By Jo Caird

Published: Thursday, 29 September 2022 at 12:00 am

Given that fish live and breathe underwater, the idea of them drowning seems impossible. And yet still the question remains, and as with most things to do with wildlife, the answer isn’t as simple as you might expect…

Can fish drown?

According to Collins Concise Dictionary, drowning is “to die or kill by immersion in liquid” – so no, fish cannot drown. However, they can suffocate when fresh water does not contain enough dissolved oxygen – either as a result of eutrophication (an excess of nutrients) or drought.

Many fish must swim constantly in order that water is always flowing past their gills. This is the case for most sharks, which is why they cannot survive when thrown back into the sea following the removal of their fins by fishers supplying the shark fin soup market. A shark with no fin is unable to swim and will therefore suffocate.